
License Agreement

At its simplest, this license agreement states that a school may fairly reproduce (digitally or print) chapters from the textbook Mathematics in Context (in PDF format) for students enrolled in Mathematics B at the school in question so long as it pays a fee each year for three years. The supplied file will be customised for the purchasing school.


  • The annual registration fee is AUD$2.25 (GST inc.) per chapter per student enrolled in Mathematics B in the year level using the chapter/s at the school.

  • The license covers:

    either digital reproduction (to disk or computer), in which case a screen optimised PDF file (version 4) will be provided,

    or print reproduction, in which case a print optimised PDF file (version 4) will be provided. Be aware that the quality of print reproduction may differ from that evident in the supplied textbook, depending on the style of printer/copier used by the school.


  • The supplied file may not be edited or altered in any way.
  • The school should ensure that it has the resources to view/print the file. The latest Adobe Reader is freely available online at Get Acrobat Reader
  • The school should ensure that the title pages appear in each reproduction.
  • The school agrees to register all students enrolled in Mathematics B in the year level using the chapter/s at the school.
  • The school agrees to register students each year for three years. The $2.25 fee will stay fixed for the three years.
  • This license does not extend to transmission of the supplied files over an Intranet or the Internet.
Ordering and Payment:

  1. In late October, the school should determine which chapters they require for the following year.
  2. Orders received by 1st November of the year prior to use will ensure that the appropriate file is supplied by December 1st to allow reproductions to be made over the Christmas break. No payment is necessary at this stage, but an estimation of the number of registrations would be appreciated. The Order form is available online for download. An official school Order number should accompany the supplied order form.
  3. Once the file is received, the school should check that it suits requirements and then arrange for reproduction.
  4. After enrollments have settled down, the school should determine the number of registrations required. The date for determining the number of registrations is 15th February for each of the three years.
  5. Once the number of registrations is finalised, the school emails me with the number and I will supply a Tax Invoice for payment.
  6. Payment (cheque or credit card are accepted) is due February 25th on each of the three years.