All files on this page can be downloaded, installed and used for free. THIS SOFTWARE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which these programmes may be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. All the files listed below have run on the author's PC running MSWindows XP® and version 4+ browsers.
- X(PLORE) - a must-have Mathematical programme:
- X(PLORE) is a shareware programme that is available from David Meredith in both DOS and Windows® versions. It does algebraic manipulation, symbolic calculus and lots more. There is a good tutorial and comprehensive Help documentation available in X(PLORE).
- Eigenmath - another must-have Mathematical programme:
- Eigenmath is a freeware programme that is available from George Weigt in both MAC® and Windows® versions. It does algebraic manipulation, symbolic calculus and lots more. Click here for an introductory manual.
- Graphmatica - a shareware programme that draws graphs of functions, gradient functions etc.
- Statistical software:
- WinStat - A free, very small and excellent statistical programme that calculates summary statistics and plots data - from Peanuts Software.
- NCSSJR - A free, larger statistical programme that calculates summary statistics and plots data and much more.
- SMARD - Links to Statistical Java applets
- Graphics Calculator downloads:
- Libraries of Other Mathematics Software: